Grassroots Activism,

Driven By Indigenous Wisdom,

To Protect All Of Earth's Children.

Who We Are

Her Many Voices is a passionate group of activists, artists and global community members intent on saving our Mother Earth and All Her Children, through community engagement.

Our Big Why

Indigenous Peoples make up less than 5% of the population while protecting 80% of Mother Earth's resources. There is a gap in non-profit support that reveals that .2 % of funding goes to Indigenous groups.

By supporting Indigenous People and humanitarian projects, we are investing in the future of our planet while developing strong, resilient communities.

Why we succeed

Her Many Voices first listens to community to learn what they need and want. We then call on our partners- businesses, non-profits, and committed individuals. By leveraging strategic partnerships to direct resources and assets to communities, we support community driven solutions for Indigenous groups, women and children.

Amidst the threats, the corrupt politicians, the greedy land grabbers and developers, we stood. We stood for the trees, we stood for the water, we stood for the soil. We stood for biodiversity and for the generations to come in Kenscoff, Haiti.

But we did not stand alone. At times we had fallen on our knees, and thanks to the angels beneath our wings, we found the courage to rise again to protect one of the few nature reserves in Haiti. Deepest gratitude to Alicia Fall and Her Many Voices team for hearing our cry, for aligning with our cause and for having our backs through thick and thin.

Together we continue to stand for life and for the unheard voices that will inherit the fruit of our actions today.

With love,
Jane, Melissa and Sarah
And the Wynne Farm Team